
Welcome to the web pages of the

Whareroa Guardians
Community Trust

Documents & Documentation

Whareroa Guardians Community Trust 2024, Constitution: Agreed at the June 17, 2024 AGM

Whareroa Guardians Community Trust, Statement of Service Performance for the year ended December 31, 2023

Whareroa Farm Management Plan (2012): To view the 65 page pdf file of the management plan from 2012 which was agreed with DOC click here

Whareroa Cumulative Planting List (2007 - 2022): Beginning 2007, Ann has collated the annual planting numbers, locations, funding sources and planters. You can find it here

“Community conservation on the Kapiti Coast”, 15 Sep 2016: A 25 minute radio documentary from RNZ about the Kapiti Mainland Island Biodiversity project, including interviews with - amongst many others - Whareroa Guardians. You can find the link to the programme and photos on the RNZ website itself here, or you can see the photos linked with the programme here (including some of the Whareroa Guardians), and the documentary as a mp3 to download here.

Click here for an impressive survey from 2015 of most plants (vascula plants) and a list of weeds and planted exotic species undertaken by Pat Enright and Chris Hopkins in 10 areas of bush in Whareroa Farm, full of common and Latin names for all you botanists out there.

Kapiti Mana Forest & Bird Newsletters: July24 Oct24 Dec24

Bird Counts


From July 2011 until June 2018, Helen, our pearl of a bird count specialist, had been recording birds sighted and heard at Whareroa at initially 5 and subsequently expanded to 10 sites, on an almost monthly basis.

Since July 2018, Helen has been performing regular walk-throughs and recording birds.

The idea is in a number of years to recommence the bird counts at the ten sites and compare with earlier data.

It is one of the concrete ways to attempt to measure what kind of progress has been made in improving and expanding bird habitat in Whareroa specifically and to a lesser extent in the environs

Pest Control


"Pest Control" consists of the control of animal pests (begun in 2013) and the control of plant/weed pests (begun in 2016).

We gratefully acknowledge the great ongoing assistance from DoC in providing technical advice for both teams as well as much of the equipment and baits for the Animal Pest Control team.

Since 2014, Sue, by day a vet, and her trusty assistant Sarah, have been performing autopsies/post mortems on mustelids caught in traps from Whareroa Farm, QE Park, Nga Uruora and also sometimes from the beach of korora (little blue penguins). The results are shared widely to understand what pests (or victims) are eating and their physical status.

Animal Pest News

Latest report from the Animal Pest Control Team Dear Leader Shane Cave can be found here

Prior reports published (Jan 7, 2025) here, (Nov 4, 2022) here, (May 4, 2022) here (Oct 13, 2021) here, (March 10, 2021) here

Ferrets reported for the first time on Whareroa here (19.3.22) including the post-mortem report (26.3.22) and a trapping update here (Apr 3, 2022)

Report from July 2017: Low kill rate for mice in Goodnature A24 traps

Sarah’s story, Taxidermy and the Whareroa Connection here

Postmortem reports

Weasels & one korora reported on April 25, 2022

Ferrets reported for the first time on Whareroa here (19.3.22) including the post-mortem report (26.3.22)

Only available on Facebook, this report from April 14, 2017

Sarah’s story, Taxidermy and the Whareroa Connection here

Plant Pest News

The Blackberry Busting Group has been busting blackberries on most Tuesdays (9am -12pm).

A listing of plant Pests fround on Whareroa Farm with pictures and links to web resources can be found here

What is the Blackberry Busting Method used? Find it here

Other BBG News: May 11, 2022 May 5, 2022 Oct 6, 2021 Sep 15, 2021 Aug 10, 2021, May 31, 2021 April 27, 2021

Whareroa Farm Mowing Team

They do an extraordinary job and we suspect that those who use the tracks are unaware of the energy that goes into keeping the tracks accessible.

In addition Bruce Bulmer with his engineering skills keeps the machine functional which includes tireless workmanship and precision.

We do have a wonderful team and are always looking for new volunteers to help out. If anyone else is interested in either mowing or maintaining the mower we would love to hear from that person (email to: whareroa.guardians@gmail.com)

Plant Pest Control

Begun in June 2016, every week on Tuesday, from 9am - 12pm, regardless of weather the "Tuesday Weeders" or “Blackberry Busters” meet at the car park and then head off to attack and eradicate weeds

Currently (June 2021) members are: Liffet Stewart, Lynette Francis, Sue Blaikie, Dawn Bush, Richard Lambert and Alexander McManus

The team is mainly grubbing or "cutting and pasteing" and use as few chemicals as possible

All newcomers are welcome! Send us an email at whareroa.guardians@gmail.com to find out more.

There are activities for all levels of fitness, physical abilities and knowledge levels (plus the Blacberry Busters are all really nice people).

Pest plants sighted on Whareroa Farm: you can find the list, with photos and links to web resources here

Bring gloves and sturdy shoes. Tools are provided. We are very keen to learn and share our accumulated knowledge

Animal Pest Control

Currently in the Animal Pest Control group: Share Cave, Shane Williamson, Darrel Sutherland, Rodney Hopkirk, Jason Bohmer, John Rowland, Brian Solomon, Scott Hill, Ray Molineux and Tom Bruynel

Box traps, Leg-hold traps, self-resetting traps

There are over 100 box traps in 10 lines throughout Whareroa. These are checked regularly in the course of a month by the team and target mustelids (ferrets, stoats & weasels), rats, mice and hedgehogs.

There are over 120 leg-hold traps in 16 lines throughout Whareroa. These target possums and when set and baited, are checked daily until de-set.

Self-resetting traps consist of some 40 goodnature (www.goodnature.co.nz) A24’s (targeting mustelids, rats and mice) and a small number of A12 traps (targeting possums), as well as AT220s.

Since February 2021, we have active in the field 15 AT220 self-resetting traps targeting mainly possums, but these traps also catch mustelids, rats and mice. The traps are battery powered and reset themselves after an animal is killed. They are mounted on a tree so the carcasses fall to the ground as the trap resets. A short ramp is fitted under the trap so carcasses are deflected to the side when they fall and new animals don’t have to walk over dead animals to get up to the trap (although video recordings - done by others - show that target species are perfectly willing to walk over corpses to get to traps). The traps have an electronic beam trigger so the animal doesn’t have to push any physical trigger to activate the trap. The lure is dispensed by a pump at regular intervals and only needs to be replenished after several months. The batteries are rechargeable using an ordinary phone charge plug and and a USB attachment supplied by the manufacturer and the latest batteries seem to have a good life. They even turn themselves off during the day to conserve battery life as the main target species, possums, are nocturnal. They are New Zealand designed and manufactured in Whakatane. We like! :-) The new traps are deployed eastwards from the gum plantation then up to and along some of Campbell’s Mill Rd. This still leaves plenty for us to do, dealing with the possums that get past this line and enter the farm from areas where these traps are not deployed. This means that for the bulk of the farm we will continue to use the leg hold traps.

Rabbits, Hares

We have a number of members who are capable and approved to shoot rabbits and hares.


Wild Goats on Whareroa are sadly a quite destructive pest and turn up at irregular intervals in varying numbers. Jason and Ray are capable and approved to cull them in Whareroa.

If you see goats on Whareroa, please send an email to Jason (jasonbohmer@gmail.com) or let us know by email (whareroa.guardians@gmail.com) and we will forward it to Jason. Let him know when, approximately where and how many goats you saw

Shane W demonstrating a box trap, November 2014, thanks to Rachel for the video

Flora & Fauna of Whareroa Farm

We have moved the contents of this section to here

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